Today’s BOOTHCAST is with Gerd Weisner and is brought to you by BOOTH Training! Gerd competed in the ‘heyday’ of windsurfing at the end of the 80s and embraced alpine snowboard racing in the early 90s. Finding a passion for action sports in his native Germany he began to sell windsurf equipment out of his father’s garage, opened a travel organisation and started along an entrepreneurial path. He ventured into business in snowboarding, mountain bike, skate and later SUP with his brand Light Board Corp and also started GTA distribution importing major brands to Europe from Australia and the USA including Rusty, JS, Hayden Shapes and Creatures. He has found a passion for Stand Up Paddling since damaging his knee in 2015 and hasn’t looked back. Dankeschön mate for your time. Support BOOTHCAST:

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